Deliverunion is getting first Results.

It was an unusual sight: on the 28th of June in Berlin about 70 Foodora and Deliveroo
riders dumped a huge pile of old bike parts on the street in front of the Deliveroo offices in
Berlin. This marks the second time the workers of the the international start-up companies
have taken to the streets in Berlin in their fight for better working conditions. Wearing their
distinctive pink and blue uniforms and shouting slogans like “What do we want? Fair
wages! When do we want them? Now!”, they were joined in support by members of the
general public as they brought their protest right to the companies’ doorstep.

Continue reading “Deliverunion is getting first Results.”

Tagung „Neue Arbeit, neue Widerstände?“

[Deutsch unten]

This weekend, 21.-23. July, students at the Humboldt University in Cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation have organised a Conference on Workers Struggles in the age of digital Capitalism.
Very much our theme!
It begins on Friday with a discussion in Café Laika, Emser Str. 131. Saturday and Sunday, several Speakers will be talking. Among others, Riders from Italy, Spain and Germany will talk about their Campaigns on Saturday 15:00 – 17:00: International Perspectives: Labor Struggles in the Gig-Economy.

The conference is open for all, so come by, get to know your colleages and join in the discussion!
Here is the link to the Schedule:

Am nächsten Wochenende, vom 21.-23.7., veranstalten Studierende der Humboldt Universität Berlin in Kooperation mit der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung unter diesem Titel eine Tagung über Arbeitskämpfe und Prekarität im digitalen Kapitalismus. Genau unser Thema also! Am Freitag geht es los mit einer Diskussion im Café Laika, Emser Str. 131, an der sich unter anderen auch Fahrer*innen von Foodora und Deliveroo und Holger Marcks von der FAU beteiligen werden. Am Samstag und am Sonntag geht es dann weiter mit Diskussionen und Vorträgen in der Humboldt Universität. Wir freuen uns besonders, dass bei dieser Gelegenheit auch Genoss*innen aus Italien und Spanien zu Besuch sein können.
Wir reden gemeinsam (und in Englisch) am Samstag 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr: International Perspectives: Labor Struggles in the Gig-Economy.

Die Tagung ist offen für alle Interessierte – also kommt vorbei, lernt eure Kolleg*innen kennen und diskutiert mit!
Und hier geht’s zum Programm:

Second Call for Negotiations.

We’ve sent Deliveroo and Foodora our second letter demanding a negotiation meeting. We’ll make sure they don’t ignore us again.

Deliveroo and Foodora, both multimillion dollar companies, have been ignoring our request to negotiate. Their refusal to even sit at a table with us just shows how much they value us as employees.

As well as a living wage and fair working conditions, we deserve dignity and respect – Deliveroo has not even had the courtesy to write us an email in reply.

Both companies’ buzzword is flexibility, but when flexibility means precarity and not knowing if you’ll earn enough to get through the month, the only choice is for us to organise for better working conditions.

Our last actions have shown that we are many, and if they continue to ignore us they better know what’s coming.

Continue reading “Second Call for Negotiations.”

#Deliverunion Launch Night

On  April 25th  over 100 Deliverooo and Foodora riders and activists met at Zukunft am Ostkreuz for the first big public event of the campaign.

The room was already packed when the talk started, with the FAU #deliverunion working group presenting the riders’ demands, how we are organising and why we can win.

Read more coverage here:

The Brighton Video we showed.

Upcoming Events:

02. May 2017: FAU Office 19:00

The next campaign meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd May at FAU’s office in Grüntaler Straße 24, 13357.  If you are a rider and you want to organise, come and join in! We are really looking forward to meeting you.

18. May 2017: Lausitzer Platz 15:00

On Thursday 18th May riders will come together at Lausitzer Platz to send Deliveroo and Foodora a message. Come along and bring your bikes – it will be fun!