FR13 – Deliveroo, Shame on You!

Breaking: Deliveroo has been voted as the worst employer in the Arbeitsunrecht awards, for its union busting activities and contempt for workers rights!

Whenever a Friday falls on the 13th of the month Aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht prepares a vote for the worst employer award and this time Deliveroo won! The prize? A state wide day of action against Deliveroo.

In Berlin we are starting the “Deliveroo shame on you” bicycle demo on Friday the 13th April at 16.30 at Oranienplatz – come and show your support to the Deliveroo workers. If you can’t make it by bike please meet us at the Deliveroo offices in Schlesische Str. 26 at 18:00 for the rally instead.

The multi-billion dollar company Deliveroo is guilty of hiring workers on bogus self-employment contracts, denying them a minimum wage, not recognising their union and dismantling their works councils. Continue reading “FR13 – Deliveroo, Shame on You!”

Deliveroo: Treat your workers fairly!

(deutsche version unten)

Deliveroo has found a way to maximise their profits with barely any economic risk. They managed to do so by shifting all the risk onto us, the riders.

Working for Deliveroo means no sick pay, no guaranteed income, no compensation for the necessary work materials and no job security!

This exploitation needs to stop!

We demand that Deliveroo:

  1. pays us for the waiting time (4€ for every half an hour without an order);

  2. covers our compulsory statutory accident insurance (BG Verkehr);

  3. reimburses bike part expenses (0,35€/km);

  4. progressively raises the pay (an additional 0,50€ after 3, 6 and 12 months of working for Deliveroo)

Only if we act together can we force them to listen to our call!

  Continue reading “Deliveroo: Treat your workers fairly!”

Black Friday

Welches Unternehmen hat Ärger verdient

Zum Aktionstag «Schwarzer Freitag» von Arbeitsunrecht Deutschland am 13. April sind drei Unternehmen nominiert, die Union Busting betreiben und besonders dreist gegenüber ihren Arbeiter*innen agieren: @I-SEC Luftsicherheit, NORDSEE und Deliveroo.
Wir haben da einen klaren Favoriten. Wer stellt inzwischen nur noch Selbstständige an? Wer schmeißt Betriebsräte raus (wie es unseren Kolleg*innen in Köln passiert ist)? Wer blockiert Verhandlungen mit der Belegschaft? Wer übernimmt nicht einmal die Kosten für Arbeitsmittel und kündigt eine Pauschale an, die am Ende niemand bekommt?
Hier geht’s zur Abstimmung und hier findet Ihr weitere Infos zum Aktionstag:

Which of these companies deserves the most trouble?

The group “work injustice, Germany” is holding a black Friday day of
action on April 13. Three companies Deliveroo, Nord See and I-SEC
Luftsicherheit, have been nominated for the worst employer award for
their union busting activities and contempt for workers rights.

We have a clear favourite for the award.

– Who uses bogus self employment to hire their workers?
– Who dismantles works councils (as they did with our colleagues in
– Who blocks negotiations with their workers? Who doesn’t even cover the
costs of work equipment, while pretending to pay compensation that no
one actually receives? …

For more info follow this link and make sure you vote for who you think
is the worst employer before April 13th!

Special Delivery from #deliverunion

In the afternoon of 24 January, roughly 40 riders and supporters gathered outside the Delivery Hero headquarters in central Berlin. At this fourth demonstration of the Deliverunion campaign in Berlin so far, riders once again demanded Foodora and Deliveroo cover their bike repair costs in full. To symbolize the size of the issue, they gathered a big pile of broken bike parts outside the headquarters’ entry door.

The companies’ refusal to cover the costs of their workers’ working materials, most importantly the costly repairs of their bikes’ wear and tear, has been a central issue for the Deliverunion campaign from the beginning. The job of a delivery worker takes a heavy toll on their bike. Spare parts and repairs needed to make their bikes safe and fit for the job again regularly costs the riders a significant portion of their income, not to mention a great deal of time. Even Deliveroo and Foodora themselves have by now been forced to admit that this is not fair. Continue reading “Special Delivery from #deliverunion”

Riders Unite! Protest at the offices of Foodora

[deutsch unten]

Dear riders and supporters!
Since the negotiations with Foodora have failed and Deliveroo is still trying to ignore their workers’ demands entirely, it is high time to take action again!

We ride our own bikes around the city in every weather for Deliveroo and Foodora; and on top of that, we have to pay for the bike repairs ourselves. As a result of the Deliverunion-Campaign, both companies have already been forced to admit that this is not fair. Yet, they offer us no real solution!

So next week, we will bring our protest right to their doorstep – together with a special delivery: All of the old bike parts we have had to replace over the last months!

We call on all riders and supporters to join our action! We’ll meet

on 24 January at 2.30pm

outside the Delivery Hero Headquarters, Oranienburger Str. 70

Bring your bike parts, bring your voices! Let’s call Bullshit when we see it!

In solidarity,

The Deliverunion AG


Liebe Fahrer*innen und Unterstützer*innen!

Die Verhandlungen mit Foodora gescheitert sind und Deliveroo versucht nach wie vor, die Forderungen ihrer Arbeiter*innen zu ignorieren. Höchste Zeit also, wieder aktiv zu werden!

Wir fahren auf unseren eigenen Fahrrädern bei jedem Wetter für Deliveroo und Foodora durch die Stadt; zusätzlich müssen wir auch noch unsere Reparaturen selbst bezahlen. Auf Druck der Deliverunion-Kampagen mussten beide Unternehmen schon zugeben, dass das nicht fair ist. Trotzdem bieten sie uns keine echte Löseung!

Nächste Woche bringen wir unseren Protest deshalb direkt vor ihre Haustür – zusammen mit einer besoneren Lieferung: Allen alten Fahrradteilen, die wir im Laufe der letzten Monate ersetzen mussten!

Wir rufen alle Fahrer*innen und Unterstützer*innen dazu auf, mitzumachen! Wir treffen uns

am 24.Januar um 14:30 Uhr

vor dem Delivery Hero Hauptquartier in der Oranienburger Str. 70

Bringt euren Fahrradschrott mit und seid laut!

Solidarische Grüße,

Die Deliverunion AG

Who’s Hub? Our Hub!

The Deliverunion campaign is picking up speed again!

After the negotiations with Foodora failed on 3 November, riders and supporters gathered for a rally in front of the Foodora “hub” in Berlin-Mitte. They then spontaneously took over the “hub”, put up a union white board and discussed the next steps of the campaign. Anger amongst the riders is great: most riders are ready for an escalation up to a strike.

Continue reading “Who’s Hub? Our Hub!”

Press Release: Negotiations with Foodora fail!

For the german version click here.

On the afternoon of November 3rd, the second – and for the time being, final – round of negotiations between FAU Berlin and the Foodora management ended without concrete results. The management had already postponed this appointment twice since September. In the meantime, Foodora has also introduced further changes that worsen the working conditions of drivers. When it became clear that – contrary to its commitment in August – the management hadn’t prepared any concrete offers to the drivers regarding their key demands, FAU Berlin had no option but to declare the negotiations a failure.

Continue reading “Press Release: Negotiations with Foodora fail!”

Deliverunion is getting first Results.

It was an unusual sight: on the 28th of June in Berlin about 70 Foodora and Deliveroo
riders dumped a huge pile of old bike parts on the street in front of the Deliveroo offices in
Berlin. This marks the second time the workers of the the international start-up companies
have taken to the streets in Berlin in their fight for better working conditions. Wearing their
distinctive pink and blue uniforms and shouting slogans like “What do we want? Fair
wages! When do we want them? Now!”, they were joined in support by members of the
general public as they brought their protest right to the companies’ doorstep.

Continue reading “Deliverunion is getting first Results.”

Tagung „Neue Arbeit, neue Widerstände?“

[Deutsch unten]

This weekend, 21.-23. July, students at the Humboldt University in Cooperation with the Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation have organised a Conference on Workers Struggles in the age of digital Capitalism.
Very much our theme!
It begins on Friday with a discussion in Café Laika, Emser Str. 131. Saturday and Sunday, several Speakers will be talking. Among others, Riders from Italy, Spain and Germany will talk about their Campaigns on Saturday 15:00 – 17:00: International Perspectives: Labor Struggles in the Gig-Economy.

The conference is open for all, so come by, get to know your colleages and join in the discussion!
Here is the link to the Schedule:

Am nächsten Wochenende, vom 21.-23.7., veranstalten Studierende der Humboldt Universität Berlin in Kooperation mit der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung unter diesem Titel eine Tagung über Arbeitskämpfe und Prekarität im digitalen Kapitalismus. Genau unser Thema also! Am Freitag geht es los mit einer Diskussion im Café Laika, Emser Str. 131, an der sich unter anderen auch Fahrer*innen von Foodora und Deliveroo und Holger Marcks von der FAU beteiligen werden. Am Samstag und am Sonntag geht es dann weiter mit Diskussionen und Vorträgen in der Humboldt Universität. Wir freuen uns besonders, dass bei dieser Gelegenheit auch Genoss*innen aus Italien und Spanien zu Besuch sein können.
Wir reden gemeinsam (und in Englisch) am Samstag 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr: International Perspectives: Labor Struggles in the Gig-Economy.

Die Tagung ist offen für alle Interessierte – also kommt vorbei, lernt eure Kolleg*innen kennen und diskutiert mit!
Und hier geht’s zum Programm:

Riders Unite! Protest at the offices of Deliveroo and Foodora

[Deutsch unten]

The fight for better working conditions continues at Deliveroo and Foodora with a protest at the doors of both companies! We are calling on all riders and the general public to join us in support.

One of our demands is that the companies cover our working expenses. We use our own phones and data and ride our own bikes around the city for hours on end in all weather conditions. Yet we are expected to cover these costs and all repairs ourselves. This amounts to over 10% of the money we earn in most cases. For this reason, we will leave our old bike parts on their doorstep – perhaps they will understand how much we spend on repairs if they can see it with their own eyes!

We have contacted Deliveroo and Foodora TWICE now to ask them to come to the negotiations table – but they continue to ignore us and make excuses.

We will meet at Schlesischer Busch at 2pm. From there we are taking the protest to the Deliveroo office and then we’ll take a bike parade over to the Foodora office in Mitte and end the ride in Monbijou Park for some beers and fun. Come along, bring your old bike parts, your bike and bring your friends! If you don’t have a bike, join us for the first part of the protest on foot.

Where: Schlesischer Busch park, north side. Next to the Wachturm.

When: Wednesday, June 28th, 2pm.

What should I bring: Old bike parts, your uniform, your bike.



Der Kampf für bessere Arbeitsbedingungen bei Deliveroo und Foodora geht
weiter – dieses Mal bringen wir unseren Protest direkt vor die Büros der
beiden Unternehmen! Wir rufen alle Fahrer*innen und die breitere
Öffentlichkeit dazu auf, unseren Kampf zu unterstützen und sich uns

Eine unserer Forderungen an die Unternehmen ist die Übernahme der Kosten
für unsere Arbeitsmittel. Für unsere Arbeit stellen wir unsere eigenen
Handys zur Verfügung und auch die Handyverträge bezahlen wir aus eigener
Tasche. Außerdem fahren wir bei jedem Wetter mehrere Stunden am Stück
mit unseren eigenen Fahrrädern durch die Stadt. Trotzdem wird von uns
verlangt, auch noch die Reparaturkosten für unsere Arbeitsmittel zu
übernehmen! Das kostet uns in den meisten Fällen mehr als 10% unseres
Lohns. Deshalb werden wir den Unternehmen unsere kaputten Fahrradteile
direkt vor die Tür bringen – vielleicht verstehen sie ja, wie viel wir
für Reparaturen ausgeben, wenn sie es mit ihren eigenen Augen sehen!

Wir haben Deliveroo und Foodora nun schon ZWEIMAL um Verhandlungen
gebeten – aber sie weichen uns weiterhin aus, oder ignorieren uns sogar

Wir treffen uns um 14.00 Uhr am Schlesischen Busch. Von dort ziehen wir
zuerst zum Büro von Deliveroo, danach geht es mit dem Fahrrad weiter zum
Büro von Foodora in Mitte. Im Anschluss setzten wir uns noch gemütlich
im Monbijou Park zusammen. Also kommt mit, bringt eure alten Schläuche
und anderen Fahrradschrott, und nehmt eure Fahrräder und eure Freunde
mit! Solltet ihr kein Fahrrad haben, kommt doch einfach zu Fuß und macht
beim ersten Teil des Protests mit.

Wo: Schlesischer Busch, nördliche Seite neben dem Wachturm.

Wann: Mittwoch den 28.Juni, 14.00 Uhr.

Was kann ich mitbringen: Alte Fahrradteile, dein Arbeitsoutfit und dein
